Exploring Alternatives to Litigation: Mediation and Arbitration
“I’ll see you in court!” is a common phrase when parties disagree. Hearing these words can instill fear in a person since the prospect of going through the legal process can be daunting and frightening. However, in recent years, parties have had a variety of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to choose from when settling disputes.
Definition of ADR
Alternative Dispute Resolution is any method the parties to a dispute agree upon and employ to resolve their differences amicably and without resorting to court action, also called litigation. ADR aims to give the parties a platform to reach a consensual agreement. Some of the commonly used ADR mechanisms include arbitration and mediation.

How Mediation Works
In mediation, the parties, a court-sponsored settlement conference program, or the local small claims court can select a mediator to preside over the matter. A mediator is an unbiased, neutral third party who arranges negotiations to assist disputing parties. The mediation process usually starts with a joint session. The session serves to enlighten the mediator, ascertain any divergent perspectives on the facts, and establish what each side regards to be a satisfactory resolution.
Some mediators might extend their joint session discussions to terminate the disagreement quickly. However, many mediators eventually proceed to caucus, a private and confidential meeting between the parties and the mediator. Caucus allows the mediator to meet with each party separately and discuss potential offers.
After caucuses, the mediator may reunite the parties to resume direct negotiations. After a successful mediation, the parties sign a contract with full legal effect and are susceptible to enforcement in case of a breach.
How Arbitration Works
In arbitration, a person or persons appointed by the parties as “arbitrators” will investigate and decide on an issue or matter of disagreement between disputing parties. The parties may employ legal representation or represent themselves in an arbitration proceeding. After hearing from the parties, an arbitrator analyzes the evidence and then renders a decision.
The arbitration must be binding or non-binding, as agreed upon by the parties. In binding arbitration, the arbitrator’s decision is known as an award and is enforceable in court. No party can file a lawsuit to have the decision overturned. In nonbinding arbitration, either party may request a trial in place of the arbitral award.
Benefits of ADR over Litigation
It can be challenging to manage the convoluted litigation process with all the prescribed regulations and procedures to follow. Here are reasons why ADR can be a better alternative to litigation:
Flexibility and Control over the Process
It is feasible for parties to agree that an arbitration proceeding is “ad hoc” by putting their terms regulating the ADR process’s operation into the arbitration agreement. The adaptability of an ADR procedure allows parties to focus on matters that are important to them rather than their strict legal rights and obligations.
Privacy and Confidentiality
ADR gives parties a chance to resolve disputes more privately and confidentially. Many court rulings are made public, and some may even receive press or media attention. To protect the confidentiality of these discussions, ADR parties might also sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). It assures confidentiality, allowing the disputing parties to concentrate on the specifics of the disagreement rather than dealing with concerns about their organization’s reputation and public image.
Affordability and Costs
Legal fees will be less expensive if a disagreement is resolved more quickly. Additionally, arbitration greatly reduces the scope of discovery and restricts the scope of appeals, saving all associated costs. ADR has “crept into new domains as a preferred or additional method to settle disputes. In this regard, ADR may help enhance all parties’ access to justice, particularly where there is a power disparity.
ADR should take less time than going to court. The judicial system is overburdened. As a result, the trial process for a legal case may take many years. According to the American Arbitration Association, cases decided in U.S. district courts often take more than a year to reach trial than cases decided by arbitration.
Promotes Fairness
A neutral third party oversees every case involving ADR. The third-party should be unrelated to any of the action’s participants and have no investment in the outcome. In a court case, the judge is not chosen to preside. A judge has been selected. This distinction is important since customers could select an unbiased third party with in-depth subject-matter expertise to facilitate or make a wise decision.
Upholds Relationships and Cultural Understanding
In contrast to trial litigation, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is more friendly and polite and preserves trade relations. ADR encourages parties to a conflict to engage in imaginative conversations about various options. The parties will strive to reach a compromise that reflects the best outcome for all parties, rather than merely an acceptable compromise. The above can have an impact on what transpires afterward.
Potential Scenarios for Using ADR
Although ADR processes are intended to replace the courts partially, there are specific situations where using ADR is preferable. Such as:
- ADR should be considered when the parties desire to maintain their current relationship. Therefore, mediation may be the best ADR process for disputes between family members, neighbors, or business partners.
- Employing ADR in the workplace can save your company money by preventing expensive legal fees, lengthy dispute resolution procedures, and uncomfortable working conditions.
- When parties seek solutions that will stand the test of time, they must have mutual buy-in. Parties can be accomplished through ADR, in which all parties are accountable for reaching a mutually acceptable settlement.
- When emotions are in the way of finding a solution, ADR can help. A third party can assist the parties in having productive and non-aggressive communication.
- When all parties involved identify and address the impact, needs, and obligations, develop a plan of action to proceed, such as all conflicts involving tort and its liability.
- ADR may be the best option for complicated cases when parties prefer a judge with knowledge of the dispute’s subject matter or expertise.
Going to trial can be stressful. However, with Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms, parties do not have to appear in court to solve disputes. When disagreements arise, parties can decide which ADR method would be most suited or whether to participate in any at all.